Influence is the art of obtaining expected results and building relationships

Influence is not convincing. Influence is not manipulating. Influence is not about using our position of power. Influence is the competence that will lead us to achieve the expected outcome while contributing to the building, maintaining or consolidating quality interpersonal relationships.

This course is particularly useful when we:

1. Encounter resistance to our ideas and positions
2. Need the collaboration of someone we have no authority over
3. Don’t have a good relationship with the person we need help from
4. Need the approval or support of our ideas, either from peers or from people more
senior than us
5. Don’t know our counterparts well and need them to accomplish our deliverables

The purpose of this course is to generate insight and knowledge so that we feel more confident to position our ideas, opinions and solutions, regardless of the seniority level of our counterparts, so that we achieve our objective and build relationships based on trust.

To achieve this goal, this course presents content to:

* Differentiate Influence from Power and Manipulation
* Make a self-assessment of our influence skills
* Map relationships according to the degree of agreement about the topic of discussion and the degree of
trust existing between the parties
* Define the critical elements to set up the best influencing approach
* Broaden our repertoire of influence strategies
