How to take control of your career in a gig economy

Welcome to another MAPA-Way course!

Corporate employee satisfaction surveys reveal that many employees complain about lack of career planning. Is it still doable in a gig economy? Approximately 150 million workers in North America and Western Europe have left the “relatively stable” confines of corporate life — sometimes by choice, sometimes not — to work as project-based workers, independent contractors, freelancers and temporary hires (Harvard Business Review, April 2018). It is safe to assume that the number has increased since then. It’s hard – but not impossible – to think of a career when these are not permanent jobs.

Even if we work for a large corporation, should we leave something as important as our career in the hands of our company, our bosses, and Human Resources?

This course explores what can be done about taking charge of our career. Not a Pollyanna approach, but a realistic assessment of our motivations, capabilities, potential, mobility and the awareness that reality sometimes isn’t on our side.

At the end of this course you will have acquired content to:

a) Plan a realistic desired state for your career

b) Make an assessment of your current state

c) Explore ways to close the gaps and plan for obstacles
