Self-Management: Discount your Potential to Present Value
More and more, professionals are expected to demonstrate their ability to manage themselves, to fully embrace their autonomy and to seek less and less guardianship from their managers. In other words, we are inaugurating a new level of manager-employee relations, based on trust, engagement and maturity.
The establishment of a new type of relationship has been accelerated by the increasing use of remote work or home office model. The manager is no longer at the employee’s side to be called at any time. Neither is that superstar colleague whom we could just turn around and ask for help.
How prepared are you to manage your own deliveries? What has been the additional effort and emotional cost to meet performance expectations?
This course will help you to be in charge of time, focus on priorities and increase the frequency of working in a highly motivating state of mind. Specifically, you will acquire content to:
Know your time wasters and your style of interaction with time
Manage time your way
Develop more productive habits
Understand what is FLOW and how to make it more frequent in your daily life
Map out the best way to start your development journey