Move people out of their comfort zone to maximize development
It’s clear that low performers need development. The opposite – high performers don’t need development – isn’t true. All employees, regardless of performance level, need different kinds of development:
– Poor performers need development to meet expectations,
– Satisfactory performers need development to at least maintain this level of performance, given the current high level of challenges, and
– High performers don’t need development at this moment, since their performance is in line with expectations (and frequently, surpassing them). But:
a) What about future career steps? New competencies are needed for that.
b) What about future performance in the current job, as industry and markets dictate changes in required profiles.
c) OK! Their performances are great, but could they be even better?
This course will provide leaders with tools to:
Differentiate performance from potential
Have difficult development conversations
Provide their staff members with the type of development they need
Delegate in order to develop their staff
Sharpen their feedback, feedforward and coaching skills